What could hold the beauty and the mysteries of Door County and Lake Michigan better than a Mermaid... What symbol of water could hold all of the emotions and intrigue better than a Mermaid? What could bestow blessings and safety over us better than the FINN⚓️LUCCA Mermaid? For all these reasons and more, our Beautiful Mermaid came into existence. The FINN⚓️LUCCA Mermaid is a hand drawn beauty, she is wrapped in a sail of protection with our brand. She was drawn by my sister Lynn, a fine artists, and some say our Mermaid has a resemblance to our mother.
FINN⚓️LUCCA Mermaid lore has it that she continues to watch over Baileys Harbor (our brands birthplace) and all of Door County. She bestows blessings of love, joy, peace and hope. She also gives travelers and adventurers safety from the storms of life. She is living lore mixed in with a true reminder for all to be Anchored in Love and to glide through life soaking and splashing in it’s true meaning.
”Who would be A Mermaid fair, Singing alone, Combing her hair under the sea, Into a golden curl with a comb of pearl, On a throne? I would be a Mermaid fair; I would sing to myself the whole of day; With a comb of pearl I would comb my hair; And still as I comb I would sing and say, Who is it loves me? Who loves not me?”
Lord Alfred Tennyson, The Mermaid
Anchored in Love,
Laurie Ann Fallucca